Q: Will there be community agriculture?
A: Yes, with raised beds placed in the pedestrian garden boulevard. The cultivation and jarring/storage of organic produce will support community resiliency during any future disruptions to supply chains. Gardening, which will be voluntary, is also a great way for neighbors to meet and develop friendships. Surplus foods will be donated to the underfed.
Q: How will your development give back to the Wimberley community?
A: In a number of ways. We are proposing to donate a prominent piece of RR12 frontage land at the traffic signal to the fire department for a new fire station. We are creating a new dedicated natural area. We are supporting housing choice and availability within Wimberley and thereby reducing traffic congestion caused by commuting from surrounding communities. The inclusion of attached housing and apartments in our plan will help support housing affordability. We are supporting the arts by including about ten small creative studios plus a handsome new art-themed retail area. We are further supporting the arts by including the art of local and regional artists and artisans in the project. We are supporting the local economy in a variety of ways. Perhaps most importantly, we are putting forward a positive model of sustainable conservation development that can help guide the Texas Hill Country through this period of unprecedented growth.
Q: What measures will you take to control noise?
A: We will work with the contractor and our neighbors to establish a reasonable set of days and hours for construction work. We will not tolerate disruptive noise or beeping trucks early on a weekend day, for example. HOA policies will address incessant dog barking. We are dog lovers, but there are humane, sensitive training methods available to stem overly disruptive behaviors. There will be quiet hours established and enforced by the onsite caretaker. We will strive to maintain a quiet, calm atmosphere in our neighborhood.
Q: Will you be using shiny metal roofs that reflect the sun with glare?
A: No. We will use metal roofs, but not shiny, galvanized roofing. Roofs will have matte finishes to minimize glare.
Q: Are you clearcutting the forest?
A: Quite the opposite. We are using a conservation easement to preserve 27 acres of forest forever. The remainder of the site will keep tight construction limits to insert buildings and roads into the landscape while preserving as much natural landscape as possible. We will also be planting many new trees.
Q: Are you proposing a strip mall?
A: No, strip malls place parking between the road and the development. We are tucking parking behind the development, and using two rows of buildings to create an interior pedestrian street / courtyard area with plantings, seating and deep porches. This will create a more defined, historic presence on RR12.
Q: Will the ugly backside of the retail face RR12?
A: No, the buildings facing RR12 will have businesses facing RR12 on the lower level colonnade / covered walkway. Care will be taken to have the retail buildings reinforce a welcoming, small town feel with local roots in the architectural history and native landscapes of the Texas Hill Country.
Q: How long will the project take
A: Hard to know for sure, but current estimates are between 3-5 years.
Q: How will you address storm runoff?
A: Our landscape architects and civil engineers are highly skilled and will be employing such tools as bioswales and raingardens to slow stormwater runoff and use natural filtration before returning the water to the ground and points downhill.
Q: What is the current zoning?
A: RA, Residential Acreage
Q: To what category are you rezoning?
A: WPDD, Wimberley Planned Development District
Q: Will you appear before Planning and Zoning and City Council?
A: Yes, after a period of community outreach and gathering input from neighbors, stakeholders and community leadership, we will begin the formal rezoning process that includes those public hearings. Our neighbors deserve to share their input before we formally begin the rezoning & design processes.